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ACH Risk Manager

Keeping up with the ever-changing landscape of ACH Risk is a constant challenge.

ACH Risk Manager™ offers your organization an advanced risk platform to manage the multiple dimensions of your ACH Risk Program from a single solution.

Transform your ACH Risk Program into an automated and proactive program to meet those ever-evolving challenges.

ACH Risk Manager is a electronic payments solution that is core agnostic.

Confidence in All Areas of Your ACH Risk Program

Demonstrate compliance to auditors with ACH Risk Manager.

Regulatory Risk

Is your organization prepared to demonstrate compliance to auditors on demand?

Simplify compliance by centralizing and monitoring ACH activity across your enterprise. Set custom controls, automate return rate monitoring, and get instant compliance evidence—all in one place.

Centralize and correlate your ACH data and unlock on-demand enterprise visibility: 

  • Nacha Compliance with Real-time Visibility
  • Return Rate and Limit Exception Monitoring
  • Streamlined Customer Periodic Reviews
  • Comprehensive Third-Party Risk Management

Discover how ATI’s ACH Risk Manager™ can help you proactively manage risk and effortlessly demonstrate compliance.

Credit & Liquidity Risk

Do you really know who your high-risk ACH Originators and Third Parties are?

Risk Rating your accounts historically has been a mixture of business logic or leveraging of ratings from applications not specifically designed to assess ACH Risk. We can do better.

Use AI to risk rate your accounts using our proprietary risk modeling trained daily on over 500,000 active Originators. Segment your portfolio by the likelihood of Returns activity so you can proactively: 

  • Identify High-Risk Accounts
  • Manage Funding and Funds Availability Limits
  • Identify Additional Fee Income Opportunities
Identify your high-risk ACH Originators and Third Parties.

Don't Just Take Our Word For It

"It’s honestly been one of the best implementation experiences we’ve had here at the bank. I look forward to a long partnership between ATI and Avidia Bank!"

James Middleton | Assistant Vice President & Manager, Payments Risk

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